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Happy Friday to all! I apologize for not writing sooner--Jer, I'm hearing your voice in my head right now. But, nothing much has changed since the last time we wrote! Well...I guess that's not true. You can't see me! I'm currently sitting an extra 10 inches away from the key board. Why? you ask. I believe in a matter of one week my belly has grown to the point of no return. Maybe it's the fact that the baby and I had a very bountiful Thanksgiving? I don't know. But, I feel as though my belly is now officially a member of the weird science club. And I certainly think my feet have joined, too (peer pressure stinks). Again, why? you ask. I simply can not see them. Thus, they have not been receiving the much needed (and I think, well-deserved) attention from my upper half like they used to. I'm pretty sure I need to recruit my wonderful, caring, kind and feet-loving (he hates feet) husband to help me out in that department. We don't generally give gifts to each other for Christmas, but I've insisted on changing those rules this year as I am in definite need of a pedicure! I'm sure at this point, you're envisioning green, hairy, and very smelly feet (and if you weren't before, now you are). I assure you, that's not the case. But, I can tell you this much. It's not pretty. I've also asked asked for a package of short socks, too. Am I greedy or what?! In my defense, though, I can not bend over to put my stinkin' (no pun intended) socks on! This weekend I may have to bite the bullet and get some for myself as John's not readily available until Tuesday to put my socks on for me. And really, cutting my toe nails and putting my socks on for me probably aren't activities that strengthen our bond as a married couple. Ya know what I mean? On that note...hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. I'll be writing soon!
P.S. I have to tell this quick Thanksgiving story:
Imagine 19 adults and seven children under the ages of 6 together for four days (and nights) in one home. Then imagine six of these children running a circle around the kitchen table where the adults are with the bellies of their shirts stuffed with miscellaneous items from the stuffed animal toy box. Okay, now picture one tiny hand up in the air, fist shaking in delight, while the other holding their various stuffed toys in their shirts, their mouths wide open, each of them yelling loudly, "I'm not pregnant, I'm not pregnant, I'm not pregnant" while constantly giggling at the same time! And the punch line is, Grandma Mary (God bless you, Mary) intervened after hearing this and the chaos stopped only momentarily while she spoke, "why don't we instead say, 'I'm so precious, I'm so precious, I'm so precious'. A few seconds later, we heard again, "I'm not pregnant, I'm not pregnant..." Oh, gosh. Forgive me, Mary, but I could not stop laughing for the life of me. All I can say is I wish we had a video camera. The kids won't remember it, but I know I will. Brightens my day just to think of it now!
One little girl's prayers have been answered...
John and I were able to have an in-depth ultrasound yesterday in Des Moines. "Do you want to know the sex of the baby"? the woman helping us complete paper work asked. "Yes" we said. So, 45 minutes and lots of belly-jelly later, there it was.
People are always asking me "Do you have a feeling"? And I reply back with a simple "no idea". I suppose I'm just not one of those mom's who have that "thing". That internal motherly "thing" that gives them the littlest inkling of what's growing inside of them--a little boy blue or a sugary sweet little girl. that I think about it, maybe I did. No wonder I was always referring to the baby as one specific anatomy the whole time. And maybe there was a reason I was never able to come up with any other baby names? Maybe I did have an inkling, and via the ultrasound, that inkling was something I shouldn't ignore!
Our prayers: Let us all be healthy and well throughout the pregnancy, especially that new life growing inside of me. And please, let's get this "morning sickness" (why do they call it that, anyway? I'm changing it to "you-just-never-know-when" sickness) thing over with already! As far as we were told and were able to see yesterday during the ultrasound, all is well. The baby is growing quickly now. Almost 7.2 oz--still smaller than a can of pop, but big for her age of 16 weeks, 6 days old. Yes, we were a little behind as I wrote last time that we were at 16 weeks. But, it looks like we are just now passing that point. So, we'll add another two weeks to the count down.
Avery's prayers: "Jesus, please, let me have a little sister because I don't want a boy". Now, I just laugh at this as it seems so simple of a request to her. She says "mom, it's not FUNNY"!--man, she's serious. And it looks as though her prayers have been answered...we're having a GIRL! I have to say it truly didn't matter to John and I, but I was extremely excited to hear this. I just picture bed time giggles and girl talk and am so grateful that Avery and her baby sister will have each other always. I have a very close friend who has a sister nearly 5 years younger and they couldn't be better friends. And they got to borrow (well, I suppose Linds would call it "steal") each other's clothes and talk about girl stuff and giggle together--they still do. I believe they talk to each other on the phone every day even though there are many miles between them. And, I have a wonderful sister, Codi, who I remember wanting to be just like growing up--she had the best hair, cutest boy friends, best make-up, was and is still a very genuine woman. She is the most amazing individual, mother, and wife I know. She sets a great example for us all and I still want to be like her in many, many ways. I so want this for my children. I know it's probably not time to think about all that now, but I must say, it's already in my prayers.
We told Avery the news last night. Boy, she was so happy she just didn't know what to say. We're all happy. And prayer time before dinner last night was peaceful for all (if we had to share the news that we were having a boy to Avery...well, let's just say, it probably wouldn't have been so peaceful at first).
Will be back soon,
October 8, 2008
Jerod and Leah, you inspired us so much with your blog that we decided to start one of our own. Something we haven't done before as we are a little behind the times and don't have the internet...though we're getting it today!! Something I've been looking forward to a long time, as I still get lost on my way to Des Moines sometimes and map quest is a life saver! Yeah, yeah, I know. It seems impossible to most. Dad, quit laughing.
Well, it is week number sixteen in the 40 week countdown to birth. I will give you a little insight into what it's been like the past four months with pregnancy number two...the exact same as my last pregnancy. Sick, sick, sick. I thought my body was finally starting to realize, okay--now we know what's going on inside--there's a baby in planet womb! It started getting better about a week ago, then Monday while driving Avery to day care, I had to pull the car over on a very busy street, put my hazard lights on, and throw up in someone's yard. Avery was yelling from inside "MOM! What are you doing"?!!! I'm sure cars driving by slowly thought the same thing. I just need a sign attached to my forehead that says"Don't worry, I'm pregnant". Needless to say, leaving early that morning didn't get me anywhere. At those very moments, though, I say a little prayer and thank God for blessing me with such an amazing gift--motherhood. It will get better and my distain for red meat will eventually go away.
John has been wonderful. Concerned and always hoping that I feel good and am happy. The laundry has been caught up and dishes always cleaned and put away. What was it? A few months ago, he even warmed my towel up in the dryer while I was in the shower. Now, that was great. Thank you, babe!
We've both discussed names, but can only come up with girl's names. Maybe it's a sign of what's to come during the ultrasound here the 30th. Dad, we can't tell you! And no, sadly, we will not be naming any child of ours "Sloan". So, all you other Garlands' of child bearing age, step it up and use this name for the next one so we don't have to discuss it with dad anymore! HA! Kidding.
Well, signing off now. We love you all and will be back soon.
P.S. Prayer before dinner has been even more wonderful lately as Avery has expanded her thank you to the Lord from solely ice cream for the past year, to oh, yes "and my little sister". We'll see what happens if we find out we're having a little boy!