Friday, April 2, 2010

Top o' the morning!

Well, what a nice Friday it has been thus far. John and I both have the day off--just one of the many benefits of working at the same company--the girls, Sophie too, slept in until 8:30. Which means I should have been sleeping but I was a nervous wreck because I was worried that something was wrong! I checked on them both and of course, they were fine. But, still, this is NOT normal. After they woke up, we ate breakfast and I dropped Avery off at Y camp and went to work out (first day in ages). Feel great! I definitely could get used to an extra day off every weekend!

We've been preparing for Easter. At school, Avery's learned about Jesus' resurrection. I have to tell you this because it is really funny, but at the time, I was definitely holding back my laughs with a stern face (though Grandpa Pat wasn't all that helpful). Avery and I went to mom and dad's for a couple of hours after school on Wednesday night. She wanted to play some ball, so she got out the plastic bat and balls. I was pitching to her and I could hear her saying "resurrection" randomly. Didn't think to ask what for, but then I heard her toot and say "RESURRECTION" loudly. I asked her to say "excuse me" instead and then asked her why she said resurrection after she tooted. She started to laugh a bit and said it was a resurrection of her gas. OH MAN! I was laughing so hard inside, and I am sure I let out a little "hmph" at the time. I mean, who thinks of that?! So, as you can see, she DOES in fact know what the word "resurrection" means. I guess that is good. Okay, so other than that we truly have been preparing for Easter. She cut out little pieces of paper with a donkey, cup, praying hands and put some real coins, a nail, and other little tid bits inside plastic eggs and went through the Easter story with me. It is so cool to see her faith grow even at five years old. At five, I know I wasn't think about Easter in that way. I was thinking CANDY!

Sophie is taking a few steps here and there and I was hoping she would be able to walk by now on her own comfortably so she could find the eggs on Sunday morning during the hunt. But, she is just too comfortable being held. She still loves to be rocked to bed and I am so thankful for the rocker that John bought me. I don't know how we'd get her to sleep otherwise. Last night she was not as tired as usual and I was shh shhing her and she would just laugh at the noise I made. Then I started saying the words she sort of mimics and she would say them right back to me - UH OH! U-o. TRACTOR. Tra-tr. Daddy. Thaa-thoo. It was so sweet and I can't help but continue the game just out of selfishness! She is still just 19 lbs. She goes to the Doctor today for her 12 month well-baby check. I am hoping no shots, but I can't seem to remember. Then I think that John and the girls are heading down to DeWitt to stay with Steve and Mary for the night. I bought tickets to the ISU fashion show (I go every year-I LOVE it) and asked Griff to go with me a few months back. So we're heading to that tomorrow and I can't believe I'll be all by myself for an entire day and night!

Dad wants to go to "Clash of the Titans", and he's asked if I'll be his date. I'm excited to go. Movies with dad are great as we both love going to the theater and eating the popcorn - basically the entire experience. We've gone to really, every big movie together since I can remember. "The Little Mermaid", "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Lion King" when I was younger. Then "The Gladiator". Then all the movies in the "Lord of the Rings" series. Recently "Avatar" and now "Clash of the Titans". It's amazing that we can both enjoy the same genre of movies and have something to talk about later. If anyone knows my dad, he loves movies!

Oh YEAH! The kitchen and updates to the house are GREAT! The boys-my husband, especially-worked really hard and it looks contemporary and up-to-date. A wonderful improvement to our humble abode!

Work has been busy. We've got a new lab going up. A huge investment for the company and our community. As part of my job in marketing communications, I am marketing the investment and our grand opening is May 11. We have customers from all over the world coming to take a tour of it. What a chaotic few months it has been. And coincidentally, John and I will be coming back from vacation the 11th (planned before it was scheduled - honestly), so I'll be gone that day. Although I'll be excited to hear how the outcome is, I am sort of thankful that I'll be on the beach in Florida and not in my office.

I am heading to San Antonio in September for a week to help run an event. I am enthusiastic about this opportunity as well, though it will be the first time I'll be gone from the girls for more than a few days. Our vacation in May is just a few days. But an entire week is a long time. I'll be missing my husband and our girls badly. And as all parents know, phone calls can't take place of smelling the outdoors-mixed-with-cereal scent in your kids' hair and DEFINITELY can't replace a big bear hug and kiss from them before bed, either!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

There's no place like home...

February just blew by...and we're into March already. Woke up this morning at 5:30 and realized that the sun must have been just coming up as it was bright even with the shades pulled shut! YAH! And the snow is melting. Double YAH!

I think that seeing and feeling the warm sun has definitely made the week easier for all of us! John has been working hard at completely demolishing and reconstructing our kitchen. New ceiling, new sink, new countertops, etc. Mom and dad have graciously let the girls and I stay with them, let's see, it will have been exactly two weeks today! So, I think our welcome is beginning to wear out...

But it's just been so nice staying at mom and dad's! I must say I LOVE the space and the carpet! Sophie has been able to crawl, tumble, crash, etc. without much pain. Our hardwood floors are no good for that. And she loves to explore each room, putting all the cool stuff she can't have right in her mouth. It's been fun. And of course, I love my family! Hanging out with them after work has been a blast. Even though I always end up heading to bed early, we've gotten in a few card games, a couple of shows on the tele. It has been so wonderful. They've been so helpful in the mornings with the girls and although I know this is temporary, I've started to feel like we've infested their home with toys and clothes and suitcases, barrettes, bottles, pacifiers, and I must's been easy for me! And again, the girls love being with Grandma and Grandpa. Maybe we could stay a little longer...

I must say, though, sleeping with Avery is no picnic! She tosses and turns, snores loudly, always wants to put a leg on me. UGH. I am ready to sleep in my own bed. And the girls haven't seen John more than a couple of times since we left home. We were driving home from school Monday and Avery was being awful quiet in the back. I looked in the rear-view mirror and she was quietly crying. I thought something must have really been wrong, but when I asked her, she just said she missed her daddy. So sweet.

Sophie is at a new day care and it's been a good change for all of us, mostly Sophie I think. Although her old provider cared very much for her and took good care of her, she held her while she napped, while she took care of the other kids, basically 80% of the day making it sooo tough for her to play on her own at home, thus making it difficult for John and I, too. The first couple of days were really tough, but this last week she's become more curious, more content, and is just about ready to walk! I think she was being held so much, it was even affecting her progression into walking. I think she is just a happier girl and I'm happy for that.

Sophie is getting taller by the month, but not gaining much weight although we all know she could eat any other kid under the table. She is still just under 19 lbs. I believe Avery weighed that at six months or something?! So, I found myself calling her "peanut". Then it morphed into "peanut butter" after John and I combined her nicknames (he always calls her "butter bean"). Her head is in the 21st percentile on the scale for infants her age (compared to the average size of heads of infants her age). Her weight is 33% and height is 85%. Our friends have a little boy whose head is so large and round--in the 95% range. It's so funny when they play together because Sophie's head truly looks like a tiny peanut compared to his head. I remember Avery having rolls of chubbiness on her thighs and arms. Sophie has none. Amazing how different two children can be! But, I look at Avery now and she is so tall and slender with this amazingly long torso. She'll grow up to be just like her dad in that way. I'm sure hoping Sophie beats my 5' 3" frame! I've broken many a drinking glass trying to reach to top shelf on my tippy toes. But, John hits his head on a lot of stuff, so I guess I don't know what's better...tall or short? Either way, she'll always be our little peanut.

Signing off now! Maybe next time I write, it will be from home after making dinner in our new kitchen!

Shout out to my sis, Codi! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Avery is now officially what I consider as her mother to be a grown-up five year old. I don't quite think those words go together - "grown up" and "five years old" but, two weeks ago when she asked me to pull out her tooth, I was in complete shock. First of all, I still can't believe that she is getting her ADULT teeth in and secondly, I couldn't believe she ASKED me to pull it out.

Okay, short story: when my first tooth was ready to get pulled out, I locked myself in my room until my mom agreed to take me to the dentist to get it pulled. I think I was in there literally for a few hours. So, the thought of pulling someone else's tooth out totally freaks me out. Especially when you could never imagine causing your child any pain and sometimes pulling a tooth out is painful and generally always produces blood. YUCK.

SIDE NOTE:Can anyone believe I went to nursing school?!! I still cringe at the thought of giving this poor dehydrated 89 year old woman a shot. I had to try two times because I wasn't pushing hard enough to get it through her skin. Fortunately for me, she had Alzheimer's and didn't remember it within a few minutes (that just sounded awful--I feel bad about her condition, but then again, I'm glad she didn't remember it either). So...

Avery gets out the sewing kit and picks out the pink string and my stomach is hurting already, but I'm not showing any outside emotion, other than what I'm supposed to be showing--pure encouragement and pride in her being such a big girl! I tie the knot and slip it around her tooth. She says, with some difficulty, "do it, mom!" I respond back, "okay, okay"...
Avery: Mom, just do it!
Me: Let's just count to three or something
Avery: Okay, count to three.
Me: Okay, one...two...three!
Avery: Mom, you didn't do it!
Me: I KNOW! I'm nervous!
Avery: Now you're making me nervous, too!
Me: Okay, okay. I really will do it this time. Ready?
Avery: GO, MOM!

And I did it. I think God played a huge part in that moment because I didn't feel my own hand pull it out. It was like it was completely surreal. And that was it. It was hanging by the thread and Avery made a small little whimper as it came out. But, she said it didn't hurt and it really didn't bleed all that much. Oh, I know "hate" is a strong word, but I really hated that. Ugh. The tooth fairy came that night (with a little reminder from Grandma Nancy) and gave her four quarters. This brings me to our next family crisis...

Avery placed those four quarters on the ottoman in our living room and I repeatedly told her to put them in her bank. When I went downstairs to change the laundry and came back up later, John said: Do you remember those four quarters that were just on the ottoman?
Me: Yes, they were supposed to be put away in Avery's bank.
John: Well, Sophie was playing in the living room and now there is only two left.
Me: So, what? You think she ate the quarters?!
John: I don't know!
Me: Well, let's start looking for them. Everyone get on your hands and knees and look under the furniture.

We found two quarters. One of which was covered in dust and looked like it might have been under our entertainment center for ages. So, I tried to go to bed that night thinking all was great--we found the missing quarters, no problems. But, my concerned husband said to me: "Maybe that quarter really had been under there for a long time and she swallowed the other one?" So, I got up and took yet ANOTHER trip to the ER. She got a round of X-rays and..."No quarter, just gas!" Goodness. I'm blaming that one on the tooth fairy. The second tooth Avery lost just this week (it did have to pulled at the dentist--not because I didn't want to pull it, I promise--it just wasn't coming out and her other tooth was all the way in behind it) was placed once again under her pillow and a much wiser tooth fairy gave her a dollar bill. No quarters.

I can't wait to look back and have the girls read some of this stuff. It amazes me, the blessings that God has given me and continue to give me everyday in my children. What small and really big life lessons they teach me. Although sometimes there are moments of frustration when we are in a hurry in the mornings or when Sophie wakes up several times in the middle of the night, these moments are truly short-lived. I love being a mom. Out of anything I do, I think it's what I'm best at. Or at least I hope so.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Where has January...December...November gone?!

Oh, goodness sakes! It was mid-November the last time I posted and now, here we are and it seems as though I've forgotten everything I wanted to write over the course of two months. In fact, I have!

Thanksgiving was wonderful, though bittersweet. We went to Grandma Opal and Grandpa Tom's home for a combined Christmas and Thanksgiving and it was the first time in a long time that the ENTIRE family was there. Most of the time not everyone can come as they are too far away or have other plans with their spouse's family. It was awesome!

In saying this, it brings me to also add that that this was the last Christmas and Thanksgiving, or any other special gathering that any of us would celebrate with my Grandpa Tom. He passed away not too long after and although we knew his health was failing, it came much too quickly. I have never experienced a death in my family and I can say that even though you know what is coming, it always comes too soon and feels unexpected. Writing this now, I think of my Grandma, my mom and how much they miss him. We talk sometimes of him, but the coversation is still too short, as the tears come too quickly. His funeral service was wonderful and I know watching from above, he must of felt such joy and peace in his heart. I miss him everyday and I can imagine he misses us, too. Avery said to me just the other day, "Mom, I want to die so I can see Grandpa Tom." I haven't decided yet how to react to that comment and I don't think I said much other than that she has so much to live for yet. That made me especially sad but it is telling of how sensitive and compassionate Avery is.

Christmas was really wonderful as we ended up staying home the entire time and with John and I both working at the same company, we get to be at home on the same days! So, I finished up my Christmas shopping taking an extra vacation day withOUT the kids and wrapped gifts. My favorite is stuffing the stocking, maybe because that was my favorite part about Christmas. I don't really know why. Mom and dad were always so creative in their stocking gifts, I guess! And it was pretty easy this year as all Avery wanted was Silly Putty and beads. Those fit in the stockings, too! We did get her a little video game, which we've recently been really thankful for because on Saturday mornings when she gets up extra early, we tell her to go play her game and she is always so excited to do so. An extra 15 minutes of sleep never hurt any kid's parents! She wrote out a letter to Santa--really sweet and left him milk and brownies. Which I was regretting at 11PM after I had already eaten two for desert at dinner. UGH. And I can't throw anything away because she always finds it and scolds me! This includes the approximately 500 drawings she's done at school--she is much like her father in this way--saving EVERYTHING. It drives me crazy. After opening gifts that morning we tried to head down to Minnesota to see the rest of the family, but we had to turn around at Iowa Falls. The weather was awful and with the two girls in the car, we didn't want to brave it. Don't tell John, but I was secretly kind of happy that we could jump back into our jammies and veg out for the day! I did miss seeing them, though. Anna is in her first year in college and loving it. Maria lives in Chicago and I can't wait to go see her sometime. Chris and Dan just had another baby, Greta and none of them have seen Sophie yet. So, after packing and unpacking, it was disappointing that we couldn't make the trip.

John and I had our first ugly sweater party, which was an absolute blast. So thankful to mom and dad for watching the girls for a few hours! Talk about UGLY. I can't believe some of the sweaters we saw. I thought mine and John's were definitely ugly, but they were actually pretty decent compared to some others! YIKES.

New Years, John's brother Nick came over and stayed for four days. It was also a great time had by all and it was so great to see John spend some time with Nick. They don't do their annual road trip anymore (although they still do the snowmobiling trip), so they don't get together much. And they are like best-buds. Nick makes a mean bowl of chili, too! They played the Wii and watched some football-A LOT of football. I made all the goodies, as tradition calls for, including shrimp cocktail, little smokies, stuffed mushrooms, and bacon covered water chestnuts. MMMMMMMM! So good.

The girls are growing up so much, it seems. Avery has lost two teeth and Sophie is waving "bye-bye" and just nearly walking. I'll share more here later this week! And...I PROMISE I'll get some pics up if I can figure it out. I still can't move them around like you guys have. They always stay on the right side?? WHAT?! Grrr.