Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Avery is now officially what I consider as her mother to be a grown-up five year old. I don't quite think those words go together - "grown up" and "five years old" but, two weeks ago when she asked me to pull out her tooth, I was in complete shock. First of all, I still can't believe that she is getting her ADULT teeth in and secondly, I couldn't believe she ASKED me to pull it out.

Okay, short story: when my first tooth was ready to get pulled out, I locked myself in my room until my mom agreed to take me to the dentist to get it pulled. I think I was in there literally for a few hours. So, the thought of pulling someone else's tooth out totally freaks me out. Especially when you could never imagine causing your child any pain and sometimes pulling a tooth out is painful and generally always produces blood. YUCK.

SIDE NOTE:Can anyone believe I went to nursing school?!! I still cringe at the thought of giving this poor dehydrated 89 year old woman a shot. I had to try two times because I wasn't pushing hard enough to get it through her skin. Fortunately for me, she had Alzheimer's and didn't remember it within a few minutes (that just sounded awful--I feel bad about her condition, but then again, I'm glad she didn't remember it either). So...

Avery gets out the sewing kit and picks out the pink string and my stomach is hurting already, but I'm not showing any outside emotion, other than what I'm supposed to be showing--pure encouragement and pride in her being such a big girl! I tie the knot and slip it around her tooth. She says, with some difficulty, "do it, mom!" I respond back, "okay, okay"...
Avery: Mom, just do it!
Me: Let's just count to three or something
Avery: Okay, count to three.
Me: Okay, one...two...three!
Avery: Mom, you didn't do it!
Me: I KNOW! I'm nervous!
Avery: Now you're making me nervous, too!
Me: Okay, okay. I really will do it this time. Ready?
Avery: GO, MOM!

And I did it. I think God played a huge part in that moment because I didn't feel my own hand pull it out. It was like it was completely surreal. And that was it. It was hanging by the thread and Avery made a small little whimper as it came out. But, she said it didn't hurt and it really didn't bleed all that much. Oh, I know "hate" is a strong word, but I really hated that. Ugh. The tooth fairy came that night (with a little reminder from Grandma Nancy) and gave her four quarters. This brings me to our next family crisis...

Avery placed those four quarters on the ottoman in our living room and I repeatedly told her to put them in her bank. When I went downstairs to change the laundry and came back up later, John said: Do you remember those four quarters that were just on the ottoman?
Me: Yes, they were supposed to be put away in Avery's bank.
John: Well, Sophie was playing in the living room and now there is only two left.
Me: So, what? You think she ate the quarters?!
John: I don't know!
Me: Well, let's start looking for them. Everyone get on your hands and knees and look under the furniture.

We found two quarters. One of which was covered in dust and looked like it might have been under our entertainment center for ages. So, I tried to go to bed that night thinking all was great--we found the missing quarters, no problems. But, my concerned husband said to me: "Maybe that quarter really had been under there for a long time and she swallowed the other one?" So, I got up and took yet ANOTHER trip to the ER. She got a round of X-rays and..."No quarter, just gas!" Goodness. I'm blaming that one on the tooth fairy. The second tooth Avery lost just this week (it did have to pulled at the dentist--not because I didn't want to pull it, I promise--it just wasn't coming out and her other tooth was all the way in behind it) was placed once again under her pillow and a much wiser tooth fairy gave her a dollar bill. No quarters.

I can't wait to look back and have the girls read some of this stuff. It amazes me, the blessings that God has given me and continue to give me everyday in my children. What small and really big life lessons they teach me. Although sometimes there are moments of frustration when we are in a hurry in the mornings or when Sophie wakes up several times in the middle of the night, these moments are truly short-lived. I love being a mom. Out of anything I do, I think it's what I'm best at. Or at least I hope so.